Whether you are a qualified instructor, therapist or trainer, or a student working towards a qualification, it is important to protect yourself against the risk of potentially expensive liability claims that may be made against you.
If a client suffers an injury in one of your classes or during a therapy treatment, they may look to hold you responsible and seek compensation.
You could also be held responsible for damage caused to other people’s property caused whilst carrying out your business activities.
Having suitable insurance in place means that your legal liability is protected and provides peace of mind.
The bespoke Professional Liability insurance that we have arranged with Hiscox automatically includes the following elements of cover as standard:
- Malpractice – protects you against allegations of negligence in your professional duty including errors or omissions in advice or instruction that you provide.
- Public Liability cover – covers injury caused to a third party, or damage to third-party property caused by your negligence whilst carrying out your business activities.
- Products cover – covers you for claims for injury or damage to property arising from a product you have supplied or used.
Standard features of our standard Professional Liability cover:
The details below are for information only – please refer to the policy wording/summary and insurance schedule for full details of the cover provided.
- Liability cover is automatically included for temporary teaching/practicing anywhere in the world for an unlimited number of days.
- A standard Limit of Indemnity of £7 million in aggregate (this can be increased to £10 million for an additional premium if required).
- Cover for online sessions included (our Restricted cover – conditions apply) with an option to extend to our wider Open online cover.
- Teaching cover (where qualified) included as standard.
- Our policy is underwritten on a Claims Made basis with an unlimited retroactive period for work done prior to the commencement of the policy during a previously insured period.
- A three-year run-off period to cover claims made after cessation of your business following your retirement, maternity/paternity, permanent disability, death or temporary sabbatical – at no additional charge.
- Legal Defence costs included for claims under the Professional Liability policy.
Optional cover extensions
Our optional cover extensions can be added to the main Professional Liability insurance where required (additional premiums apply):
Personal Accident insurance – provides capital benefits for death or permanent disablement & loss of income cover if you are temporarily disabled following an injury which prevents you from carrying out your business activities. Cover applies in the UK, Channel Islands & Isle of Man only.
Public Liability – Premises Risk – available if you are teaching from your own home, or you lease your own studio/therapy rooms and wish to cover your liability for injuries arising from your occupancy/use of the premises.
Open online tuition – available as an extension to our Restricted online cover, which is included as standard. You can cover online content on websites, open platforms & social media platforms where access is not restricted and can be viewed by anyone.
Employers’ Liability – protects your legal liability to your employees.
Additional Legal Expenses insurance – provides additional cover to that provided under the main Professional Liability policy & includes criminal defence, tax protection, marketing image defence plus legal, tax advice & counselling helplines.
Contingent/vicarious liability cover – extends the cover to include claims made against you where you use other people to deliver classes/sessions/training on your behalf. It is a condition of this cover that all people hold their own insurance cover for their activities.
Business equipment/property cover – covers your business equipment against loss or damage – cover for money & property in transit is automatically included too.
Buildings & Business Interruption cover– if you own your own commercial business premises that you run your business from, you can arrange cover for the property itself along with business interruption cover to provide protection in the event that the premises are damaged by an insured peril and you are unable to trade from them whilst repairs are carried out.

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