Air Control Pilates Ltd provide classes and training courses marrying aerial exercise and Pilates.
The company, based in Fife, Scotland was founded by Debbie Robbins who has taught Pilates for 20 years, beginning her training with Chris Blagdon in Edinburgh, who himself had trained with Alan Herdman. Her earliest connections began with Fitness and Dance before she found Pilates in 2003 and her interest in the aerial arts teaching then came later in 2008. She has been teaching Aerial Pilates for 10 years now and loves doing so. From first being a professional aerial artist performing across Scotland she relished the exhilaration of performing in the air with the freedom she felt from this and now she delights in sharing her experience through her teaching.
Her experiments with aerial classes as a performer caused Debbie to reflect that her Pilates experience would lend itself to being taught aerially and this ultimately led her to develop her own bespoke courses for other Pilates teachers to use. People are drawn to Debbie’s classes from two distinct paths – Pilates instructors wanting to explore working aerially, and Aerialists that want to learn Pilates as a new skill and do something different. They are all reassured by Debbie’s unrelenting focus on health and safety and the huge emphasis she places on the quality of the rigging and its careful installation. Her obsession with this probably stems from her father who was a Health & Safety Assessor professionally.
Wellbeing Insurance were able to help, having already provided cover for aerial yoga teachers.
It was the development of her aerial Pilates courses that first led Debbie to Wellbeing Insurance. Aerial Pilates wasn’t widely known about and was little understood by insurers at that time. Wellbeing Insurance were able to help, having already provided cover for aerial yoga teachers. Recognising that Pilates presented similar risks and reassured by the stringent safety precautions adopted by Air Control Pilates Ltd, insurance cover was quickly arranged and Debbie has been pleased to maintain the connection for several years now.
Following the Covid pandemic Debbie, like many others needed to shift her teaching work online. Again, she found Wellbeing Insurance receptive to her needs and is happy to pay the extra premium for the ‘Open online extension’ that enables her to reach her worldwide audience.
Her latest business venture has seen her working in collaboration with Lyon Equipment Limited who manufacture a wide range of technical equipment for the Work & Rescue sector including a vast range of work at height, specialist rope rescue and outdoor products. Debbie is proudly working with Lyon Equipment Limited to deliver leading edge, professional Aerial products for Aerialists, Pilates studios or home use.
Wellbeing Insurance are pleased to have helped with the essential Malpractice required for both Teaching and Training together with the Public Liability insurance and Open Online extension that Air Control Pilates Ltd needs.